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Young Adult Life Skills Program

Digital Detox and Life Skills program

for 18 - 26 yr olds who find themselves stuck

between youth and independant adulthood.

Do you have an adult child STILL at home?


Parents Angry?

Weekly Therapy

Not Working?


Wilderness and/or

Therapeutic Rehabs too expensive or too extreme?


Screen-time and/or

gaming taking over?

Vaping or substance abuse?





Young Adult Life Skills Program

The Reset Retreat program is built on the same therapeutic model as Reset Summer Camp, only this program serves young adults (18 - 26) who find themselves "stuck" in that middle-ground between high school and adulthood.



A Reset Retreat is just that, a retreat. A coming together of young adults all struggling with similar situations to detox and learn how they got here, what to do now and how to proceed. Reset is staffed by clinical and experienced professionals who work specifically in this area, some of whom have been there themselves. The program is run by Executive Director, Michael Jacobus, who has over 30 years of youth development experience and was himself the parent of and adult child with online gaming and substance abuse issues.

Located less than 40 miles from Dulles Airport, just outside Charles Town, West Virginia, this beautiful

3-story Colonial estate is home to the Reset Retreat program.

Participants share room and living spaces, detox together, learn how to navigate LIFE, (ie. how to shop, cook and do their own laundry).

Group coaching and individual sessions provide a means to express themselves and safely share their experiences, challenges and goals.

Teambuilding activities and individual opportunities to explore personal talents, (including Art, Music and Theatre) are all part of the Reset Retreat program.

Job Skills and developing a strong Work-Ethic are key elements as well.


We are not a Wilderness Program, Hospital, Therapeutic Boarding School or Medical Rehab Clinic.

It is actually our mission to get these kids back-on-track, with the intention of having them not need such facilities or services. (Of course if they do, we have some amazing resources for you!)



March 22 - April 19


The 4-week Spring 2020 Reset Retreat is our pilot young adult program and is therefore LIMITED to only 24 participants. The cost is $7850 and includes a Family Workshop Weekend (Friday afternoon until Sunday morning).


Transportation costs to and from West Virginia and family accommodations during the workshop weekend are NOT included.*


The FIRST STEP is to APPLY by clicking this button

and tell us about your situation.


We will respond quickly to schedule a therapeutic screening with a member of our clinical team.

NOTE: You can not enroll in this program without completing the intake screening.


Disqualification factors may include extreme anger management and substance abuse (addict) issues, violent behaviors, and any history of sexual misconduct.

For additional details about the structure and activities of this program, please visit our HOME page:

*same program (basically) - different age group

Next Young Adult Retreat will be scheduled in the Fall of 2020


Disclaimer: While we certainly recognize, value and appreciate therapeutic and/or pharmaceutical intervention, when appropriate, all too often we see inflated statements from those claiming expertise they do not have, offering services they cannot provide and prescribing medications that lump everyone into a single, (often wrong or incomplete) diagnosis.

Excessive dependance on technology, social-media, streaming and online gaming present a new and unique challenge in today's world and although there are comparisons to drug and alcohol addictions with regard to effective treatments, technology is in our lives every day and thus cannot be viewed as something that can simply be removed from the situation in order for the condition to be "cured".

Reset Retreat is a 4-week Young Adult program provided by Reset Summer Camp.

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